Rapier X-25
Rapier X-25 UAS is a remotely piloted system belonging to the MINI Class with features of surveillance, control and data sensing (sea and ground), typical of LIGHT and TACTICAL aircraft. The aircraft is equipped with innovative systems, able to guarantee the operation in hostile environment, and it is designed with optimization criteria in terms of aerodynamic efficiency, volumetric capability and structural weights. Consequently, the Rapier X-25 can assure long endurance (+16 h) with cutting-edge technological payloads.
The Rapier X-25 System is composed of:
- Aircraft The aircraft is equipped with a state of the art EO/IR sensor payload, with the best Detection, Recognition and Identification (DRI) performance of the category.
- Ground Control Station The Ground Control Station (GCS) consists of two stations: Pilot In Command and Sensor Operator. The GCS can be used for mission planning activities, mission execution, including manual, semiautomatic and automatic flight, flight and sensor data analysis activities and training.
- Pneumatic Launching System The pneumatic launcher is designed to guarantee the maximum accuracy and repeatability of the launch of the aircraft, regardless of the climatic conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity). Launch activation is controlled directly by the GCS, to ensure the safety of the operators involved in the launch operations. The launcher ramp can be easily and quickly oriented, depending on the wind direction.